Sunday, April 5, 2009


I can't stop thinking that willpower is the solution to stopping my procrastination habits, but I have been saying this for a long time without much progress.  But that is because I have not given it much effort I believe. I hope it is not for lack of motivation, or just plain laziness.  I suppose I should make much more effort toward ending this procrastination, and if that fails can I move on to some more desperate measures. Which I kinda hope is what happens, I think? At least that is what I have been reading on growth says: that giving up is the way to go.  But I'm not needy enough to give up, so I guess I need something to break me. (what am i asking for?)  


  1. Asking a God who answers prayer to break you is a fearful thing, just to let you know.

    And I believe the only way I stay disciplined is fear, which is a bad thing. I fear laziness, or I fear being considered lazy by others or by myself.

    You know, I have learned recently, that when making plans, one must determine to set a date or a time or a place and hold you accountable to that. It doesn't always work. But it has a better return rate than "i'll make plans later"

  2. ...I like how you took initiative with the 5K

  3. Hmm, staying disciplined through fear? I don't think I have much of that either.

    And yeah I know I'll make plans later doesn't mean much, but I like to think that it does mean much for me because I am trying to hold myself to a higher standard of integrity. So if I say I'm going to make plans, I mean it, that's the plan anyway. (ok enough weaseling, I do need to set some some dates and times)
